Wednesday, January 2, 2013

happy new year!

i hope everyone had a good new years eve/new years day. i know i sure did haha. new years eve i went bowling and to ihop with my old youth group. it was nice to see them again and hang out. i am not the best bowler, but i still had a fun time. then i went to a gal's house from small group, and hung out with her and some friends as we rung in the new year. it was great to hang out and meet some of her friends. then new years day we had my mom's side of the family down to celebrate christmas. (it was a lot smaller than normal) it was great to just hang out with family, even if my cousins sweet son got sick. i feel bad for the boy, and pray he is feeling better soon.

so i'm not a new year's resolutions person. because i always fail at them. like horribly. typically because i don't write them down and i forget them. i mean yes there are things i need to work on, and yes it makes sense to start them at the start of the year. but i figure i need to start them at any point. and if i break one, or forget what it is, then i can just start again the next day.

i have some goals though. in no particular order:
1. run a 5k in under 44 minutes, and hopefully be able to run the whole thing, but it's okay if i need to walk some. (i'm doing the dam to dam again this year with my aunt on june 1, so i have 5 months to train)
2. lose 35 pounds by my best friends wedding on june 8. i think training/running will help with this. but i also need to be doing weights and resistance more, and i need to be eating healthier.
3. make more time for reading my Bible. reading plans on youversion and definitely a good start, and a way to help with consistency, but i know i need to be doing more.
4. get better about praying. praying is one of the hardest aspects for me. the kids city director at church once asked me to rank journaling, bible reading, and praying in order from easiest to hardest. journaling is easiest for me (even if it's hard for me to stay consistent with this) and bible reading plans are making that easier, but praying is my hardest. i don't know if it's because i want an immediate response, to feel like i'm not having a one sided conversation or what.
5. get more consistent with this blog. it's not that i forget about it. but i feel like i struggle with knowing what to write, and i don't want to sound like i'm just rambling. i want to have a purpose to this, and i feel like right now it's a mix of randomness. but it's something i will be working on.

if you can help me keep track of these goals, even if it's just asking me how i'm with a certain one or all of them, i would greatly appreciate it. and i can do the same for you.

in other news, i got a job at cvs working as a pharmacy technician, which is super exciting since it's a change from the y and it's what i'm going to school for. they said i should be starting jan 12, so i'm pretty stoked. plus it's now 6 days until my birthday! i love my birthday, so i'm really excited that it's so close.

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Happy (early) birthday! =) Way to go in setting these goals! I totally agree, bible plans make it so much easier! I've been doing the #shereadstruth plans and those have given me extra incentive and accountability. I set goals for the first time in years this year. I felt pretty similar to how you did about New Years goals, but I think I needed to set some this year! Praying for you with them! =)
Alesha <3